Entre la RAAP (ancien Ircec) et les cotisations obligatoire qui va tuer les auteurs
qui ont déjà une condition de :
Le harcèlement de rue/le sexisme ancré dans notre socièté
Les LGBTIQ-phobies
Les LGBTIQ-phobies
Les catastrophiques élections européennes ......
Je vous prépare deux longues notes
ça ira mieux demain...enfin j'éspère
Between the RAAP (Pension fund for the authors of comic strip ) and the contributions compulsory which is going to kill the authors
Who already have a condition of:
Miserable-Who-has-to-not-complain-because-it's-his "passion"
The Homophobia and other LGBTIQ-phobia
The Homophobia and other LGBTIQ-phobia
The street harassment / The sexism anchored in our society
The catastrophic European elections....
I prepare you two long notes
That will get better tomorrow... I hope
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